It's been sort of a game since about June to scare my niece Jordan with creepy doll heads...yesterday her mother (my sister Lisa) and I did a little treasure hunting and I found this doll in a box with a bunch of really creepy heads so I bought the whole lot of them. Today while my niece was visiting her father's relatives I snuck into their house and hid two of the creepy heads in her bedroom...sorry Jordan (teehee). I know those things will end up hidden in my house...most likely tomorrow! Be on the lookout kids!
It snowed Wednesday, it snowed Thursday, it snowed Sebastian and I made a papa snowman and a baby snowman with the heavy wet snow. Too bad all we had for the eyes were radishes!
Thanks for visiting my little blog where I hope to share a bit about my pursuit of living a healthy lifestyle along with my never ending need for hunting vintage treasures, decorating my home and crafting a various assortment of goodies. Hope you find something that inspires you!