Monday, March 2, 2009


One step closer to that bittersweet day when my first born and only daughter leaves me for college. After dinner we got our first payment, her housing intention card, dorm room contract and health forms ready to mail. (yes, I did cry...again). Tomorrow I have to make an appointment to get her a meningitis shot. The "to do" list keeps getting shorter and the big day keeps getting closer...we've even started making the "what to bring" list. I can see a little panic or perhaps fear in her eyes when we do things like this, it's becoming more real everyday. I just have to keep reminding her (and myself) that she's only an hour away and that she's going to have the time of her life being out on her own and experiencing all that college life has to offer! A thought that brings me a little comfort is how much easier it'll be when Matthew leaves me (or so I hope!)

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